Oh man, I can NOT get enough of these Olympics. Have you seen all of the events you can watch LIVE on the internet? Check out NBCOlympics.com, it's simply awesome.
As I was jumping around events last night, from Day 3 of the women's badminton tournament… yes, they do put the "bad" back in back in badminton... to Judo... to Tennis, OK nobody with the last name ending in "ova" is playing... next... and then I landed on the 10M Air Pistol event. Holy heavens to mergatroid. These guys are all wearing blue jeans, tee's, and terrible facial hair, and then I saw Jason Turner, their king.

Look at this guy! He looks like he just walked out of Walmart, worked on his beer gut for a few hours at his local, and then stopped by the range to pull a few triggers. What an athlete! I mean, this guy
defines America (at least the red states)! Or maybe he's one of those total whack job militia types... awe, who cares? U-S-A!

It was also good to see Serena William at the Olympics this year, obviously our best hope at a medal in weightlifting. Or is there a "scaring me" event? Maybe that's the one.

I also just watched our girl Natalie Caughlin (can I get a "
GO BEARS"?) come in first in the semi finals of the 100 M backstroke. I am sure you watched it too, but did you see the jackass reporter chick interview her after the race? She actually asked her why she can’t seem to swim straight. She has the F-ing World Record you cheap reporter hack, how dare you critique her in the backstroke? Are they trying to rattle her? She has like 10 more events to deal with and Jane Bitch is trying to get into Nat's head! And how does Nat respond? A little flustered, but pretty calmly, “I am just going to try and focus on my breaststroke tonight.” Can you just let Natalie and all of us TRY AND FOCUS ON HER BREASTSTROKE TONIGHT, JANE? Thank you.
Note to cheap reporters: the only appropriate post-race question for Natalie is "what's it like to be so awesome?". It's an easy rule. "Will you marry me?" also works.
Just following that piece of crap interview, Kristy Coventry breaks Natalie's World Record in the 100M backstroke in the other semi final heat. I hope Jane Bitch Reporter is happy, the jinx is on. But did you see Nat’s little Olympic bio video? She likes to COOK with ingredients from the ferry building farmers market in SF. She barely likes this swimming crap. It’s like a hobby. Photography, cooking, and swimming. COVENTRY is totally just a swimmer loser. Not like our Natalie. Can I get a GO BEARS!?
1 comment:
Dude, don't rip on the Olympic air pistol guys. It's not like they have a whole lot else to look forward to in their lives. PEDs are not really a problem. And I like the idea that someone from Blythe might be in the Olympics one day.
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