Am sticking with The Plan: drink a can or two of Lo-Carb Monster and only have a couple of beers - keeps me high energy enough to engage drunk people, but sober enough to do good work. Had my A-Game tonight (per the usual), but wasted it on some C-Level girls (per the semi-usual - must re-evaluate strategy). These chicks were friends of an acquaintance, and they were lawyers, and I felt compelled to try and entertain all three of them. Sadly, these weren't the fun type of lawyers who hit the bottle hard when they're out of the office. Rather, they were the stick-in-the-mud lawyers who don't drink at all and look down on the glitter and belly-shirt set. I look down on those types of girls as well, particularly down on their D'ecolletages. Being tall has its advantages. If you have the means, I highly recommend it. Hang upside-down from a bar in your closet, Bobby Brady-Style, if you must.
Now, I don't know a damn thing about politics, so feel free to disregard that last paragraph, nay, this entire blog, as nonsensical rubbish. Let's get down to brass tacks. I Googled this Sarah Palin chick. Now maybe its the beer and associated friskiness, maybe its the fact that I made the mistake of taking the trolley part of the way home to save a few bucks and to possibly run into drunk, poor chicks, or maybe its the fact that I do feel a soul-crushing loneliness from time-to-time that comes with being eternally single, but I got to thinking [CUT TO INTERIOR, BRAIN: SHOT OF HAMSTER HALF-HEARTEDLY RUNNING ON WHEEL] - is this Sarah Palin chick hot?