You will note that I have been posting in this Courier font, while The Wood Dog's blog entries are in Trebuchet or whatever that much more readable default font is. Therefore, there are now three ways to determine which of us wrote a particular blog post: (1) look at the font; (2) look at the bottom of the post; and (3) it was me, because The Wood Dog doesn't post any more. I now have a lot more sympathy for pregnant women than I used to. I mean, seeing as how hard it is to blog for two, I can imagine it is quite a chore to eat for two...
My Hump Island needs updating. For those of you who aren't familiar with the concept, you choose five people to be stranded with you on your Hump Island, the idea being that there is really nothing to do on the island except have sex with the other stranded people. In other words, it is a slightly more clever way of asking someone to name the five people they find most attractive. Some couples in relationships name five people besides their significant others with whom they are allowed to have sex without cratering the relationship. I guess that is kind of like Hump Island, except it doesn't involve an island. The catch is that people named in either instance must be famous people - this allows other people to judge your taste and precludes you from claiming immunity for boning the hot barista at the local Starbucks, which theoretically could happen. But if you somehow manage to nail Elisha Cuthbert, you should totally get away with it. Anyway, my Hump Island used to consist of Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron, Kristy Swanson (see The Chase or click here before you kill me for that one), Katherine Heigl (anyone noticing a type?) and Jessica Alba. I haven't finished updating my Hump Island, but let's start with Leslie Bibb (Mrs. Ricky Bobby, and the reporter Iron Man boned) and, heading over to the dark side, Erinn Hayes (from some new CBS "comedy" called Worst Week; she looks to me like she's the love child of Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner):

What exactly does "hooking up" mean? I always thought it meant "heavy petting" or "making out" - basically, something more than a goodnight kiss. After hearing a couple of girls deny hooking up with me to my face (not that I blame them for lying about it, but I am pretty sure it happened; I mean, I was there and all), I finally asked what they thought it meant. Turns out girls (these girls at least) think "hooking up" means "having sex". Is it a generational thing (these girls were younger)? Is it a NorCal-SoCal thing? Is it a boy-girl thing?...
During the MLB All-Star break, ESPN had three of their "fantasy sports experts" on to make predictions for the second half of the season. First of all: Oh My God. These are the guys who weren't cool enough to get invited to play Dungeons & Dragons in junior high:

Chronology of one of my recent relationships: Boy meets Girl. Boy attempts to date Girl. Girl refuses, as she doesn't trust Boy because she thinks Boy is a player because he rarely calls. Boy and Girl become friends. Girl realizes Boy isn't a player, he is just a little odd about calling and texting. Boy expresses no further interest in Girl, since they are friends. Girl starts to like Boy. Boy and Girl date for 48 hours. Girl breaks up with Boy because she realizes he will never be as attentive as she would like. Girl and Boy don't speak for several months. Girl e-mails Boy and says she wants to be friends. Boy and Girl become friends with benefits. What is the point (assuming there is one)? Well, mostly so I could throw in the "friends with benefits" line and piss off any married people who may be reading. But also, that it is useful to have chick friends, especially hot ones. They will tell you things that you need to change, things that other hot chicks will notice and be put off by. Like that you need to change what you're doing with your hair. That you need to buy different jeans or shoes. That you need to wear cologne. That you need to either look into penile enlargement surgery or make a ton of money. You know, the sorts of things that might not occur to you on your own. I would like to thank Girl for two specific recommendations. First, Girl made me switch to short socks. Used to be I would wear full-length tube socks at the gym, and would just push them down around my ankles. Girl informed me that this was Wrong and something that Old Guys do. Next time I was at the gym, I looked around and saw that no one was wearing socks. They weren't even wearing clothes, and there were only dudes in there. Then I realized I had somehow wandered into the San Francisco Gold's Gym. So I hightailed it out of there and headed to my local 24-Hour Fitness. Sure enough, guys who looked to be in their twenties were wearing short socks. Guys who looked to be in their fifties and sixties were wearing long socks, sometimes pushed down, sometimes not. There weren't really any guys in their thirties or forties; those poor sods were probably at home, wrangling toddlers and otherwise keeping busy not using the treadmill they bought for the home office. Seeing as how I'd rather be identified with guys in their twenties than with Old Guys, chest waxing be damned, I made the switch to short socks and I am a much happier man for it. Secondly, Girl informed me that my flannel boxers, which had things like dogs and plaid patterns on them, are not sexy. I thought they were cute and intriguing, like a Bugs Bunny tie I had in college, but then I thought further and realized that the Bugs Bunny tie wouldn't play in this day and age. Girl instructed me to acquire black boxer-briefs. After a few false starts (tip: don't buy Under Armour underwear - they feel and wear like compression shorts) I've acquired appropriate undergarments, including some black boxer-briefs:

I don't know what in the hell I am going to be for Halloween. So far my only idea is to be The Most Interesting Man in the World. Near as I can tell, this would require a tuxedo jacket, no tie, white hair and beard, and I would have to drink Dos Equis all night:

Is there a bigger asshole on the baseball diamond than the guy who makes two outs in the same inning when his team bats around?...

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